By understanding the successes of plants, we are able to create sumptuous natural skincare products that contain highly desired molecules. At the core of our formulas, you will find sophisticated plants that are specially chosen for their higher concentration of phenolic compounds, antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. Our handpicked botanicals help provide powerful and effective results for your body and mind.

Plant Defense and the Art of Adaptation (plant evolution)
Plants have been perfecting their defense and survival mechanisms for years, long before humans ever existed. From the hard-shelled fruits and sharp thorns of some species, to the water-retaining abilities of succulents and cacti, plants have evolved to outwit predators and adapt to ever-changing environments. They even make use of symbiotic relationships with animals and other organisms.
Some botanists believe that some species use chemical warfare where plants produce toxins which make them unpalatable or even poisonous.[1] Furthermore, certain plants have developed refined ways of dispersing their seeds, like using hooks and barbs (as seen in Burdock).[2] Even flowers themselves have plant defense structures. Wildflowers may present in bright beautiful colors that can attract pollinators while also warning away herbivores with bitter tastes. When you think about it, plants are able to miraculously protect themselves without the use of physical strength.
High altitude plants have been perfecting their defense mechanisms through unique adaptations. Ranging from physical adaptations such as thicker leaf cuticles and waxy surfaces that protect them against harsh high-altitude weather and radiation to genetic modifications such as larger stomata (pore openings in the shoot epidermis of plants) that allow more carbon dioxide exchange and increased photosynthesis. And let’s not forget biochemical changes like increased production of phenolic compounds and other chemical compounds that help defend against high altitude UV radiation, pollutants and wounds.[3] These compounds give wildflowers from mountainous regions a unique and more powerful range of health benefits when compared to flora from lower altitudes.

Unlocking Nature’s Resilience (how humans are learning from plants to be adaptable)
Plants are essential for all life on Earth, providing the oxygen we breathe and food for us to eat. They form the backbone of our terrestrial ecosystems, from forests that soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to underwater seagrass meadows that provide a home for countless marine species. As humankind has become increasingly aware of the importance of preserving our planet's biodiversity, so too has our appreciation grown for Mother Earth.
Our company works closely and collaboratively with CREA Mont-Blanc, an esteemed scientific organization and NGO with a mission to explore the impact of climate change on biodiversity. Their expertise in alpine ecology and data science makes them uniquely qualified to tackle these issues head-on, enabling them to not only observe but take actionable steps toward targeting climate change. We are very proud to be in partnership with an organization that cares about the very mountains that inspired our brand name.
Plants have developed such unique strategies for surviving in even the harshest of environments, showing us just how resilient nature can be. As we’ve mentioned, cacti are uniquely adapted to desert climates where water is scarce by storing their very own internal reservoir of moisture. And Venus Flytraps use cleverly crafted traps to capture prey and supplement their nutritional needs! Many species are able to quickly evolve traits that help them survive or thrive in new conditions, while others migrate vast distances in search of more hospitable terrain. These examples show us how resilient and versatile nature can be and they inspire us to think outside the box when facing tough challenges. Today, we can use these compounds to develop medications that may benefit human society. All in all, plants teach us valuable lessons about survival and adaptation, showing us how important it is to remain flexible and resourceful in order to succeed.

Natural Skincare That Works (ingredients + benefits)
We are living in a world where the power of nature has been harnessed and utilized by people in many different ways. Natural skincare has become a modern nature-to-skin commodity. From natural oils to plant extracts, there's a wide variety of plant-based skin care benefits. At Bionassay, we are all about appreciating nature’s gifts through our labcrafted formulas that can nourish, protect, and help maintain healthy skin. Let's take a deeper dive and explore how our favorite botanicals show some love to our skin.
Some of the plants found in our unique formulations include, Alpine Willowherb, Arnica Montana, Baobab and Hibiscus. All are abundant with polyphenols that provide powerful protection to skin. In recent years the use of polyphenols in skincare products has evolved dramatically the more we gain more insight into their potential benefits. Research shows that polyphenols can help reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of age preservation by fighting the breakdown of collagen.[4] They also act as antioxidants to help prevent free radical damage from occurring.[5] Interestingly enough, higher altitude plants tend to have higher amounts of phenolic compounds.[6]
Arnica, Cornflower, Field Horsetail, German Chamomile and Shea Butter are just some of our alpine beauty picks used in our French skincare essentials that have incredible regenerating, protein stimulating and remineralizing properties. All of these naturally occurring ingredients can provide amazing results when it comes to creating potent skincare products.
With such an impressive array of healing properties available in our very own backyard, it's no surprise that nature-derived ingredients have become increasingly popular in modern day beauty regimes! By using our skincare essentials containing ingredients from high altitude flowers, you can enjoy premium skincare benefits from Mother Earth herself.
Plant adaptation is a fascinating subject that we can all learn from. It shows us that plants have the amazing ability to thrive in almost any environment, often by developing unique and clever strategies to survive. Despite the obstacles they face, plants never give up. No matter how tough things get!
[1] Dang, Liuyi, and Els J M Van Damme. “Toxic proteins in plants.” Phytochemistry vol. 117 (2015): 51-64. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2015.05.020; [2] “Hooked Spines Grab on to Fibers — Biological Strategy.” AskNature,; [3] Hashim, Ahmed M et al. “Oxidative Stress Responses of Some Endemic Plants to High Altitudes by Intensifying Antioxidants and Secondary Metabolites Content.” Plants (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 9,7 869. 9 Jul. 2020, doi:10.3390/plants9070869 ; [4] Chowdhury, Aniqa et al. “Polyphenol treatments increase elastin and collagen deposition by human dermal fibroblasts; Implications to improve skin health.” Journal of dermatological science vol. 102,2 (2021): 94-100. doi:10.1016/j.jdermsci.2021.03.002 ; [5] Hano, Christophe, and Duangjai Tungmunnithum. “Plant Polyphenols, More than Just Simple Natural Antioxidants: Oxidative Stress, Aging and Age-Related Diseases.” Medicines (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 7,5 26. 9 May. 2020, doi:10.3390/medicines7050026 ; [6] Hashim, Ahmed M et al. “Oxidative Stress Responses of Some Endemic Plants to High Altitudes by Intensifying Antioxidants and Secondary Metabolites Content.” Plants (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 9,7 869. 9 Jul. 2020, doi:10.3390/plants9070869