know your skin type - skincare routine

How do I know my skin type?

The first step into nailing the right skincare routine is knowing your skin type and its conditions. That way, you should be able to identify which products work best for you.
Your skin type is given to you by genetics, but it is highly affected by your environment and it can also change as you age. Specialists use sebum or oil production to classify skin as one of the following:
Normal skin: has no or little texture and lines, as well as no severe sensitivities to ingredients.
Oily skin: it produces too much sebum, making it shiny and/or with greasy complexion, as well as large pores and pore clogging.
Dry skin: it doesn’t produce lots of oil naturally, is dull and rough, feels tight in certain areas, prone to flakiness and itchiness, as well as visible lines.
Combined skin: it likes between oily and dry; usually flaky and dry around the cheeks, oilier on the rest; the pores look larger and is prone to blackheads.
Sensitive skin: easily irritated by products, it tends to be on the dryer side due to inflammation and irritation, redness, and prone to itchiness and dryness. Not the same as sensitized skin!
And how do you know which is your skin type? Easy:
1) Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry.

2) Let your skin breath! Do not apply any products for a couple of hours and see how your skin reacts. 
3) Use the skin type characteristics discussed before to have a better understanding of where your skin fits.